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Thursday, October 31, 2019
Universal Healthcare in the United States Essay
Universal Healthcare in the United States - Essay Example This paper argues that the universal health care system would be beneficial for the United States. The statement passed by Institute of Medicine is the US is the only developed nation that does not provide universal health care system. In United States, around 84% of citizens have some form of health insurance, either through their employers, purchased individually or provided by government programs. Some publicly funded health care programs are provided for the elderly, disable, children and poor and federal law mandates public access to emergency services1. The US government schemes reported for over 45% health care expenses. This makes US government the largest insurer in the nation. Based on health care expenditure, The US government has been placed in the top ten highest spenders among the United Nations member countries in 2004. Still more than 16% of population in America is without health insurance2. The health insurance costs are increasing faster than wages and medical bills, leading to personal bankruptcy in the United States. The lack of health care for all America is fundamental moral issue. In order to understand universal health care we need to understand its concept. It is a broad concept that can be applied in many ways. Universal health care is the form of health care benefit that is provided by the government. The government introduces varieties of programs aimed at promoting the right of admittance to the public to health care as much as possible. Many countries apply universal health care through lawmaking, regulatio n and through taxes. Some of the costs are paid by the patients but later they are reduced in taxation and paid to the patient. There is a need of universal health care system in United States of America. A single paying system operated by the government will help save on bureaucracy and investor profits. In this way
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Design in Modern Art (painting from Paula and Leonard Granoff Gallerie Essay - 15
Design in Modern Art (painting from Paula and Leonard Granoff Galleries) - Essay Example The sculpture painting is placed in [Please provide the room that you obtained it from]. There are other fashion sculptures placed around it such as shoes. There is also a glass cupboard with other ornaments in it. There is a wooden table made of a board that holds them (Rosenfeld, & Daniel, 54). It has been displayed upright with human portrait used to depict how it appears when it has been used. The room which it has been placed is well lit with ceiling lights illuminating enough light to the objects. The display is very appropriate since it gives the viewer the direct message of what it is and has the theme of modernism in it. The display is very good since the portrait that has been used also suggest the gender type that the artwork is made for. The time period of this object is of the twentieth century since most of the clothing displayed is widely used in the present. The artist has used modern techniques in bringing out the sculpture; the artist has presented the fashionable trends in the twentieth century and displayed contemporary artwork. The artist is a modernist; everything that has been used in the sculpture is modern. The artwork symbolizes modern fashion styles that are widely used in the twentieth century. The artwork also symbolizes change that has seen old fashion dressed being wiped out with trendy ones like the one portrayed. The artwork has a theme of religious meaning; in this context, it has touched on fashion styles that are widely used by Christians. One traditional aspect that has been considered is the color black; meanwhile, the patterns and the materials used are both modern. The fashion can be used in both social and official ceremonial events. The artist inspires and it brings a feeling that success comes through hard work and determination. The choice about this object reveals that art has been given the first priority and understanding how to succeed is may be learnt from past
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Welfare Facilities During Construction Work
Welfare Facilities During Construction Work Hughes and Ferrett, 2008 have defined that health is the protection of people from illness due to the materials, processes of procedures used in the workplace while safety defined as the protection of people from physical injury or in the absence of the danger in simple way. Health and safety often closely related with the physical and material and mental well-being of the individual at the place of work (Hughes and Ferrett, 2008). By referring to Oxford Dictionary, welfare is defined as the health, happiness and fortunes of a person or group. For the purpose of this research, the provision of welfare facilities consist of washing and sanitation arrangements, provision of drinking water, heating, lighting, accommodation for clothing, seating, eating and rest rooms as well as first aid arrangement for the well-being of the employees (Hughes and Ferrett, 2006). CONSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES Construction health and safety should be of primary concern to employers, employees, government and project participants (Kheni, 2008). Therefore, the client, main contractor, regulatory agencies and employees are the main parties who responsible for construction health and safety (Laryea S. and Mensah S., 2010). There is several government agencies involved in construction safety and health. Each has the same mission towards the safety and health in construction industry as to reduce the accidents or fatalities and the compensation cost as well as to ensure that the risks to health and safety of workers are properly controlled. The contractors role has been mainly focused by the research and publications on construction worker safety due to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) places the responsibility for safety on the employers shoulders (J. Gambatese, J. Hinze, 1998). The table below explained on the main duties of construction parties. PLANNING OF WELFARE FACILITIES Good health and safety planning helps to ensure that a project is well managed and that unexpected costs and problems are minimised (Laryea S. and Mensah S., 2010). Consideration should be made during planning stage prior to constructing any facilities. Issues here include consideration of a safe and healthy location, application of appropriate construction standards, provision of adequate and sanitary living conditions as well as appropriate leisure and health facilities (IFC and the EBR, 2009). Firstly, it is important to make sure welfare arrangements are clearly addressed in the health and safety plan where the Laws and Legislations apply (HSE, 1998). Make sure the facilities reflect the site size, nature of the work, and numbers of people who will use them. An example of nature of work, where consider the provision of showers if the project involves hazardous substances or very dirty work such as sewer maintenance, dusty demolition activities as well as works with contaminated land or concrete pouring (HSE, 1998). The distance of workers will have to travel to the welfare facilities might have to consider as well. The exact nature of the facilities also depends on the intended duration of work and number of different locations. Lastly, consideration on whether the welfare facilities need to be relocated during the construction phase. MINIMUM STANDARD OF WELFARE FACILITIES Minimum standard of welfare facilities should be provided at construction site complying with the regulation for the particular project. The satisfaction of the safety and health act and regulation can be achieved by providing the optimum facilities through the assessing the maximum and minimum of construction workers (Tan, 2010). The person in charge of the construction site must always make sure that the legal requirements of workers welfare are met (HSE, 2004). However, simply providing and enforcing prescriptive rules and procedures are not sufficient to foster safe behavior in the workplace (Reason, 1998). Most construction employers now have safety policies in place, but they need to be kept up to date. The objective is to reflect what actually happens, and to make sure the policy does not contain a hopeful list of wishes that are never likely to be fulfilled (Hotl, A.S.J, 2001) The provision of welfare facilities at transient construction sites and the provision of welfare facilities at fixed construction sites that supplied by Health and Safety Executive often used as guidance in United Kingdom. It gives guidance on the minimum welfare facilities that must be provided or made available to workers on construction sites. The nature and scale of facilities required will depend on the size, location and type of project. Suitable welfare facilities must be available for all workers during all working hours. As a minimum, these will be access to toilet and washing facilities, a supply of clean drinking water, a place to take a breaks and meals and store clothing, shelter in bad weather, and first aid facilities. Most, if not all of these will be covered by local or national regulatory requirements. TYPES OF WELFARE FACILITIES Good welfare facilities not only improve workers welfare but also enhance efficiency. The facilities may be provided and maintained by one contractor or by individual contractors for all workers (ILO, 1995). General welfare facilities that provided on site include: Living Accommodations Sanitary and toilet facilities Washing facilities Drinking water Changing rooms and lockers Rest Facilities Canteen WELFARE FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS The main health and safety requirements in construction relate to tidy sites and decent welfare, falls from height, manual handling, and transport on site (Laryea S. and Mensah S. ,2010) In Malaysia, the welfare provision refer to the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514), Factory and Machineries Act 1967 (Act 139) and Construction Industry Development Board Act 1994 (Act 520). Whereas In United Kingdom, the Construction (Design and Management) Regulation 2007 covers a wide range of basic health, safety and welfare and applies to the workplaces involving construction on sites. By referring to Health, Safety and Executive, (1997), adequate and appropriate welfare facilities must be provided for employees so far as is reasonably practicable while them are at work even though in short period. This means that facilities must be provided unless it is clearly unreasonable in terms of time, trouble, cost and physical difficulty. There is an important additional duty in this Regulation. The one in control of a site has to ensure that there are reasonable welfare facilities available at readily accessible places. HSE, 2010 has provided the information sheet for those in control of construction sites which describes minimum welfare facilities that should be provided or made available on fixed construction sites. In addition, the guidance note is based on a review of these instruments and legislation, as well as guidelines and best practices produced by a range of different private and public sector actions at national and international level. (IFC and EBRD, 2009). The regulation 22 of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulation 2007 has stated few requirements for welfare facilities provided for construction industry. These include provide sanitary and washing facilities and an adequate supply of drinking water; rest facilities; facilities to change and store clothing. Good facilities can positively benefit health and well-being and can help to prevent dermatitis. The requirements of welfare facilities are as below: Living Accommodations The provision of workers accommodation is often related with the importation of an external workforce into an area (IFC and EBRD, 2009). There are several reasons that lead to this occurrence such as the local labour supply or skills base is inadequate, the workers are simply not available due to the remote location of the worksite or the particular skills required. Also it may happen as the labour requirements can only be fulfilled by migrant workers due to the nature of the work or the working conditions (IFC and EBRD, 2009). The accommodation provided either in building type or conventional container for the sleeping and resting purpose. The workers accommodation for construction more relate to a temporary phase of a project (IFC and EBRD, 2009). The accommodation provided shall be appropriate for its location and be clean, safe and at minimum, meet the basic needs of workers because the location of the facilities is important to prevent exposure to wind, fire, flood and other natural hazards (IFC and EBRD, 2009). Therefore, living accommodations are located within a reasonable distance from worksite as possible. The building of living accommodation requires sufficient materials, appreciate maintenance as well as acceptable cleanliness free from nuisance of rubbish and other waste. It shall not be used for the storage of building materials purpose. (ILO, 1992) The conventional container is generally used in Malaysia construction site because it is easily moved to new project (Tan, 2010). It is important to ensure good standards in living facilities. It helps to avoid safety hazards and to protect workers from diseases and illness resulting from humidity, spread of fungus, proliferation of insects or rodents, as well as to maintain a good level of morale (IFC and EBRD, 2009). Sanitary and Toilet Facilities Sanitary and toilet facilities include water closets, portable chemical toilets and urinals. Toilet facilities needed include the flushing toilets and running water which connected to mains water and drainage system if possible. The alternative way is to provide facilities with a built-in water supply and drainage tank (HSE, 2010). An adequate number of toilets should be available at all times for construction workers. Adequate facilities mean by make sure that there are enough toilets for those expected to use, so that the people should not have to queue for long periods to go to the toilet. Toilet arrangements are essential to avoid any contamination and prevent the spread of infectious disease. The following tables show the minimum number of toilets and urinals that should be provided. The number of toilets needed will be depends on the number of construction workers on site. The number of people at work (left column) refers to the maximum number likely to be in the workplace at any one time. Portable chemical toilets are only acceptable instead of making other adequate provision which is not reasonably practicable and it should be maintained and emptied regularly. The number of persons and the frequency of emptying are used to determine the number of portable toilets needed on site by using the ratio 1 toilet to 7 persons where portable toilets are emptied once a week (HSE, 2010). Beside, toilet facilities are conveniently located and easily accessible. Shorter distance for travelling to toilet from worksite means that unnecessary and non-productive times are minimized (Tan, 2010). Standards range from 30 to 60 meters from rooms. Sanitary and toilet facilities are never shared between male and female resident. Otherwise provide lockable doors instead of failing to provide separate facilities for different gender. Moreover, adequate supplies of toilet paper should be always be available. Specific additional sanitary facilities are provided for women where necessary. It is essential for workers to maintain a good standard of personal hygiene but also to prevent contamination and the spread of diseases which result from inadequate sanitary facilities (IFC and EBRD, 2009). Always make sure that the facilities provided are well-lit, have good ventilation, cleaned frequently and kept in fully working condition (HSE, 2010). The number of utilization determines the frequency of cleaning. Basically, daily cleaning may not always be sufficient. Washing Facilities Work in the construction industry is often dusty and dirty as well as involving handling chemicals and other dangerous substances. Therefore, washing facilities provided as a basic hygiene measure, preventing chemical contaminating foods and so being eaten during snacks or meals, being absorbed through the skin or being carried home. Apart from that, it also functions to remove dirt and grime, which also can be ingested and cause sickness and disease. Washing facilities include basins or sinks that allow people to wash their hands, face and forearms (HSE, 2007). Also, it consists of a supply of hot and cold, or warm, water which should be running water and soup or other washing agents for cleaning purpose that are enough for the workers. Washing or shower facilities is provided for particular dirty work or work exposing workers to hazardous substance such as concrete pouring (HSE,2007). An adequate number of washing facilities should be provided to construction workers. Washing facilities should be provided in conjunction with toilets and changing areas. It should be located within reasonable distance from other facilities and from sleeping facilities in particular (HSE, 2010). A clean supply from a tank should be provided instead of main water supply when it is not available (HSE, 2007). Men and women can share basin used for washing hands, face and arms. Provided that a basin large enough to wash face, hands and forearms if necessary and also a means for drying hands such as paper towels or a hot air dryer (HSE, 1998). Unisex shower facilities is available for both gender, provided that is stands alone, is lockable room and can only be used by one person at a time (HSE,2007). These facilities must be kept in good working condition, cleaned frequently, and always ensure that there is sufficient ventilation and lighting (HSE, 2010). Drinking Water Drinking water is essential for workers in the construction industry, irrespective of the type of work they do. To prevent dehydration, workers should always have easy access to a source of clean water. Therefore, a special attention to water quality and quantity is absolutely essential. A supply of wholesome drinking water should be readily available, preferably from the mains. If this is not possible then bottles or tank should be provided for storing water, protected it from possible contamination as well as changeover sufficiently and regularly to prevent it from becoming stale or contaminated (HSE, 2007). Mark clearly on the drinking water supply to distinguish between drinkable and non-drinkable water such as hazardous liquids or water which is not fit to drink. The supplying of drinking water requires cups or other drinking vessels at the outlet, unless the water is supplied in an upward jet, which can be drunk easily such as drinking fountain (HSE, 2007). Drinking-water should not be placed in sanitary facilities, or in places where it can be contaminated by dust, chemicals or other substances. Whatever the source of water supply for drinking, whether at the mess accommodation or elsewhere on the site, it should be clearly marked as drinking-water in words or with a suitable sign. Changing Rooms and Lockers Changing rooms or lockers are particularly important for workers storing personal clothing that not worn on site such as jackets and training shoes and protective clothing that needed for site work such as high visibility jackets and safety boots (HSE, 2007). Changing rooms should be provided with drying and clothes hanging which are easily accessible. Thus, they can separate their wet and dry clothing by hanging on the cupboard. This is essential to where some working clothes are likely to be contaminated by dangerous substances, atmospheric conditions or workplace conditions. Therefore, facilities should be provided to keep working cloths apart from personal clothing (Fon, 2006). For smaller site, the site office may sufficient be a storage area but the separate lockers might be needed too. This is because there is a risk of protective site clothing contaminating everyday clothing, items should be stored separately (HSE, 1998). If electrical heaters are used, ensure the room has well ventilation and fitted with a high temperature cut-out device where possible. Many fires have been caused by placing too much clothing to dry on electrical heaters, making the heater overheat. Rest Facilities Construction workers begin work early. They start their day alert and productive but their activity level decreases as the day passed. Therefore, short breaks taken frequently are much better than infrequent long breaks. Recovery is much faster as having rest before show signs of being really tired (ILO,1995). Rest areas are not to be used to store plant, equipment or materials. It provides shelter from wind and rain. The rest facilities should have an adequate number of tables and chairs, a kettle or urn for boiling water and a means for warming up food such as a gas or electrical heating ring or microwave oven and be adequately heated. Suitable and sufficient, readily accessible rest facilities should be provided. Work areas can be counted as rest areas and as eating facilities, provided they are adequately clean and there is a suitable surface on which to place food. On smaller sites, the site office or hut may suffice as rest area. Canteen Canteen is adequately furnished and protected from the weather, where one can eat in comfort food brought from home or brought from vendors. Canteen may be used as rest facilities provided there is no obligation to purchase food. If canteen is provided, it does not only save the time for construction workers not going out for eating (Tan, 2010). Standards range from providing tables, benches, individual drinking cups and plates to provide special drinking fountains. It should be situated away from workstations to minimize contact with dirt, dust or dangerous substances. Good standards of hygiene in canteen are crucial. Facilities must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition as well as conform to hygiene and safety requirement. EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE WELFARE FACILITIES ISSUES A company was found not to have provided welfare facilities at a construction site and was served with an improvement notice during an inspection section. The company was prosecuted as failed to provide the facilities within the timescale. The company received a  £2000 fine for not complying with the notice, a  £5000 fine for not providing the welfare facilities, and had to pay prosecution costs of  £1272. A construction company in Devon is caught by surprise for not having hot water and accessible toilet facilities on site and was fined 2,500 by HSE. Rod Hepper concluded: Installing proper facilities on site costs far less than the fines that the HSE will impose if inspectors find the law being flouted. (Pickles, 2001). The Elliott Workspace Marketing Manager, Rod Hepper commented that there are still companies across UK that ignores the necessity of providing appropriate welfare facilities on construction sites in line with regulation in force even after warning from Health and Safety Executive (HSE). In reality, it is a legal requirement for the companies to provide proper toilet facilities and warm running water available at all times (How, 2006). News from workplacelaw on date 13 Dec 2010, a builder whose employees had to work in unsanitary conditions, with no toilet or washing facilities, has appeared in court in Rochdale. Michael Connolly, 46, was prosecuted by the HSE after he repeatedly ignored calls to improve conditions at the site in Littleborough where he had employed contractors to convert a house into flats and shops. HSE inspectors who visited the site found that there were no toilets or washing facilities. ( http://www.workplacelaw.net/news/display/id/31712, 2010). CONCLUSION Work in the construction industry is hazardous and dirty; it involves much manual or physical activity. Welfare facilities such as the provision of drinking water, washing, sanitary and changing accommodation, rest rooms and shelter, facilities for preparing and eating meals, temporary housing, all help to reduce fatigue and improve workers health. The facilities may be provided and maintained by one contractor for all workers or by individual contractors. Good facilities can positively benefit health and well-being and can help to prevent dermatitis. Good welfare facilities not only improve workers welfare but also enhance efficiency. References Welfare at work Guidance for employers on welfare provisions IFC and the EBRD , 2009. Workers accommodation: processes and standards.A guidance note by IFC and the EBRD (ILO, 1992). Thesis ILO, 1995 Safety, health and welfare on construction sites: A training manual ILO. 2003. Safety in numbers. Rep. No. 061, International Labor Organization, Geneva. J. Gambatese, J. Hinze, 1998. Addressing construction worker safety in the design phase Designing for construction worker safety. Automation in Construction 8 (1999): 643-649. (Laryea S. and Mensah S. ,2010) The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Held at Dauphine Università ©, Paris, 2-3 September 2010 Kheni, Nongiba Alkanam (2008) Impact of health and safety management on safety performance of small and medium-sized construction businesses in Ghana, Unpublished PhD thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, UK Phil Hughes, Ed Ferrett,2008. Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction: The Handbook for Construction Professionals and Students on NEBOSH and Other Construction Courses Phil Hughes, Ed Ferrett, 2006. Introduction to health and safety in construction HSE, September 2007 CONSTRUCTION HEALTH SAFETY STANDARD No. 20 ,Principle sources of information HSE Construction Information Sheets 18 and 46, HSE, 2010 provision of welfare facilities during construction work. construction information sheet no 59 HSE, 1998 Provision of welfare facilities at fixed construction sites, Construction Information Sheet No 18(rev1) HSE, 2007 workplace health, safety and welfare. A short guide for managers.leafetlet INDG244(rev2) According to the International Labor Organization 1992, the general provisions of welfare are stated under clause 19.there should be adequate supply of wholesome drinking water provided at reasonable access of construction site.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Online Communities or Mental Pictures? :: Internet Communication Chats Essays
Online Communities or Mental Pictures? It was 11:00 p.m. on a Tuesday night. I sat at my computer typing and anxiously waiting for a response. â€Å"Hello how is everyone tonight?†â€Å"I am from Virginia, where are all of you from?†No one responded to anything I said. I tried again, â€Å"Does anyone want to chat?†Again, I was ignored. I felt lonely, confused, and upset. â€Å"What is wrong with me?†I thought to myself. I hated knowing that I was the one being rejected in this so-called â€Å"community.†Are there really such things as â€Å"online communities?†Can you form friendships with the people you come across in an online community? There are many claims that there are such things as online communities. That is true if you classify a community as â€Å"a group of people having common interests†(Dictionary.com) but having a common interest did not play a significant role in the forum I worked with. Online communities can be overrated and not meet the standards for which they are intended if the people participating do not follow the proposed rules and are not there for the correct reasons. In fact, when I was in the Teen Chat room no one talked about fashion, which is the topic of the site. In the discussion forum, some of the posts were off of the subject. Some online communities may appropriately be classified as a â€Å"community†, but the teen forum that I participated in was not a virtual community. Online communities are not physical places , instead they are a state of mind; a place which exists only in the mind of the participant. I participated in an online community in the Student Center which is just a site dedicated to teens. From this site, you can access many other sites such as: â€Å"diaries,†â€Å"teen forums,†â€Å"groups,†â€Å"tests,†etc. I accessed the teen forum section where you can choose many different topics under the four main categories. The categories are Advice and Sexuality, Entertainment, General, and Information. Under each category you can choose a specific subject of your interest such as: dating and relationships, health and fitness, sexuality, fashion, sports, music, movies, religion, and job search, along with others and be involved with it. I chose a teen forum focused on fashion because I really enjoy learning about different styles.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Comparison between Knowledge and Information Essay
The definition for knowledge and information are normally high related. It is true that both of them complement each other but it is also important to know that they are mutually exclusive concepts. There are some important differences between knowledge and information that make of them two independent concepts. What are those characteristics? Which comes first and leads to the other? How can we use them together to get their maximum benefit? Well, I have settled on the following essay a definition for both knowledge and information, the way the complement each other and which one is more meaningful in a job. In my opinion knowledge is made by beliefs, perspectives, judgments, experiences, visions, truths and concepts (information). I believe also that knowledge is very situational- independent. In the other hand information is made by facts, data, descriptions, numbers, words, music, images, sounds and so on. Knowledge refers to the practical use of information. While information can be transported, stored or shared without many difficulties the same can not be said about knowledge. Knowledge necessarily involves a personal experience. Referring back to the scientific experiment, a third person reading the results will have information about it, while the person who conducted the experiment personally will have knowledge about it. It is very important to have this difference clear, specially in our Internet-based society. Today information is freely available to anyone anywhere in the world. An eighteen year old boy from the Sri Lanka could easily search on the web and find all the information ever produced about an Adenoidectomy. But I am not sure whether I would like to have this same boy performing that surgery on myself†¦ what about you?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Learning Acitivity Essay
2.Identify and describe three leadership styles. Provide examples of these styles in society? Authoritarian Leadership is one that takes personal charge of decision-making, and demands that group members obey orders (Macionis, 2013. P110). Bill Gates is a great example of authoritarian leadership. Bill had a vision after he took lead of the company and he used all possible resources within his reach and made a dream reality. Bill Gates did not consult others on which way his company should take. Democratic Leadership is making a point and including everyone in the decision-making process (Macionis, 2013. P110). Dwight Eisenhower is one of the best people for this. While serving as a General in the Army he had a task to get the alliance all on the same page this he took great pride and hard work doing so. Laissez-faire Leadership allows group to function more or less on its own (laissez-faire in French means â€Å"leave it alone†). (Macionis, 2013. P110). The Danish government adopted this style of leadership and allowed cannabis to be smoked and allowed open prostitution. 3.What does the research by Solomon Asch and Stanley Milgram show us about the ability of social groups to affect the opinions and behavior of group members? The research showed that people when under pressure by peers or an authoritative figure conform. Solomon Asch (1952) recruited students for what he told them was a study of visual perception (Macionis, 2013, p. 110). But what he did was make the students form a small group and put pressure on one of the students. Asch showed them card 1 with a normal line then asked them to match it to card 2 that had three lines on the card. One third of the students chose to answer the question incorrect just like the other students. Stanley Milgram, a former student of Solomon Asch’s conducted conformity experiments study of his own (Macionis, 2013, pg.111). Milgram had a more controversial experiment he took male subjects and put them in electric type of chair to show how punishment affects learning. The teacher to start with 15v and each time that one of the subjects got it wrong the voltage would increase and even though the levels of voltage reached 450 volts Milgram was astonished how eagerly people obeyed authority. .
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Interview with a Dancer - Listening Comprehension
Interview with a Dancer - Listening Comprehension You will hear a man interviewing a famous ballet dancer. Write down the answers to the questions he asks. You will hear the listening twice for the gist. After you have finished, look below for the answers. Click on this ballet dancer listening quiz to begin. How long did she live in Hungary?Where was she born?Why wasnt she born in a hospital?What kind of day was her birthday?Was she born in 1930?Did her parents leave Hungary with her?What did her father do?What did her mother do?Why did her mother travel a lot?When did she begin to dance?Where did she study dance?Where did she go after Budapest?Why did she leave her first husband?Which country was her second husband from?How many husbands has she had? Instructions: You will hear a man interviewing a famous dancer. Write down the answers to the questions he asks. You will hear the listening twice. After you have finished, click on the arrow to see if you have answered correctly. (changed to answers below) Transcript: Interviewer: Well, thank you very much for agreeing to come to this interview.Dancer: Oh, its my pleasure. Interviewer: Well, its a pleasure for me as well. Right, well there are lots of questions Id like to ask you, but first of all, can you tell me something about your early life? I believe you are from Eastern Europe, arent you?Dancer: Yes, thats right. I ... I was born in Hungary, and I lived there for all of my childhood. In fact, I lived in Hungary for twenty-two years. Interviewer: I believe theres a rather strange story that Ive heard about your birth.Dancer: Yes, in fact I was born on a boat because ... because my mother needed to go to the hospital, and we lived on a lake. And so she was on the boat going to the hospital, but she was too late. Interviewer: Oh, so when your mother went to hospital she went by boat.Dancer: Yes. Thats right. Interviewer: Oh, and you arrived?Dancer: Yes, on a beautiful spring day in fact. It was the twenty-first of April that I arrived in. Well, around 1930 I can tell you, but I wont be more specific than that. Interviewer: And, uh, your family? Your parents?Dancer: Yes, well my mother and father remained in Hungary. They didnt come away with me, and my father was a history professor at the university. He wasnt very famous. But, on the other hand, my mother was quite famous. She was a pianist. Interviewer: Oh.Dancer: She played lots of concerts in Hungary. She travelled around a lot. Interviewer: So music was ... because your mother was a pianist, music was very important for you.Dancer: Yes, in fact. Interviewer: From very early.Dancer: Yes, I danced when my mother played the piano. Interviewer: Yes.Dancer: Right. Interviewer: And did you, when did you really realize that you wanted to dance? Was it at school?Dancer: Well, I was very, very young. I did all of my school studies in Budapest. And I studied dancing there in Budapest with my family. And then I came to America. And I got married when I was very, very young. I had an American husband. And he died very young, and then I married another man who was from Canada. And then my third husband was French. Quiz Answers She lived in Hungary for twenty-two years.She was born on a boat on a lake in Hungary.They lived on a lake and her mother was late to the hospital.She was born on a spring day.She was born around 1930, but the date is not exact.Her parents did not leave Hungary with her.Her father was a professor at university.Her mother was a pianist.Her mother travelled to play in concerts.She began to dance very young when her mother played the piano.She studied dance in Budapest.She went to America after Budapest.She left her husband because he died.Her second husband was from Canada.She has had three husbands.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on What My Grandmother Means To Me
What My Grandmother Means to Me Nana, it is amazing how one word can mean so much. It has always been true that the most down to earth and informed person in my family is my Nana. I have always looked up to my Nana and she is definitely a person that deserves to be looked up to. She is always there for you when you need someone. She is the best listener and never criticizes anyone even if you make a very opinionated remark. She has raised a family and has lived through many of the good and bad changing times of our world, therefore has unconditional love for almost everyone she comes in contact with. Although it is true that she calls often, it is gratifying to hear her voice and to know that she is doing well. I love my Nana very much. She has always taught me to be a good person and to respect others and myself. I understand that she will not be with me forever in person and it is because of this that I enjoy spending as much time as possible with her. Then I can be sure that I will always be with her in my heart and soul. In conclusion I have always and will always look up to my Nana. Grandmothers are always one of the people you know you can turn to when it seems like you cannot turn to your mother. That will always be true. If there is ever a time that I am confused about anything, I know that my Nana will always be one of my primary sources.... Free Essays on What My Grandmother Means To Me Free Essays on What My Grandmother Means To Me What My Grandmother Means to Me Nana, it is amazing how one word can mean so much. It has always been true that the most down to earth and informed person in my family is my Nana. I have always looked up to my Nana and she is definitely a person that deserves to be looked up to. She is always there for you when you need someone. She is the best listener and never criticizes anyone even if you make a very opinionated remark. She has raised a family and has lived through many of the good and bad changing times of our world, therefore has unconditional love for almost everyone she comes in contact with. Although it is true that she calls often, it is gratifying to hear her voice and to know that she is doing well. I love my Nana very much. She has always taught me to be a good person and to respect others and myself. I understand that she will not be with me forever in person and it is because of this that I enjoy spending as much time as possible with her. Then I can be sure that I will always be with her in my heart and soul. In conclusion I have always and will always look up to my Nana. Grandmothers are always one of the people you know you can turn to when it seems like you cannot turn to your mother. That will always be true. If there is ever a time that I am confused about anything, I know that my Nana will always be one of my primary sources....
Sunday, October 20, 2019
3 Job Search Mistakes That Are Killing Your Chances
3 Job Search Mistakes That Are Killing Your Chances Looking for a job can feel like throwing pasta at the wall to see what sticks. Conventional wisdom tells us to keep doing everything we can until something does stick. But is that actually helpful? Here are some common job search mistakes that you should be careful to avoid while you’re on a job hunt. 1. You apply for jobs that you aren’t qualified forThere’s definitely an aspirational part of job hunting, especially if you’re looking to move up. That can be dangerous, though, if it means you’re applying for jobs where you know you don’t quite fit the experience level the company is seeking. On a basic level, it could mean that your resume gets skipped altogether. If your resume makes the cut and you make it to the next point (an interview of some kind), falling short in experience could get your hopes up for an inevitable disappointment when they go with someone who better fits the job description.Similarly, using phrases like †Å"fast learner†and â€Å"adapts to any new role†in your cover letter or resume may sound like a good way to spin if you’re reaching a bit, but you could just be setting yourself up for disappointment and an even longer hunt. . The reach-for-the-stars attitude is admirable, but it might not match up with reality.2. You don’t network or grow your influenceBack in the old days, people would find out about job openings in the newspaper, send in a resume by mail (with a stamp, no less), and wait patiently to hear back. The internet has accelerated this process greatly, making it easier than ever to find and identify opportunities. But you know how else people found jobs in the old days? Good old-fashioned word of mouth and recommendations. That part isn’t as outdated as the snail mail application process.Job openings are still often filled by candidates who have an â€Å"in†somehow with the hiring company, and search engines just can’ t replicate that personal touch. So if you want to be the one with an in, you need to look for a better way into a company. Try to connect via LinkedIn- do you have any first- or second-degree contacts who work at your target company? If so, finagle that into an introduction and you can be the candidate with a personal introduction and a leg up.3. You’re too proactiveBeing proactive is great. Being proactive can show you’re a go-getter. However, being proactive does not mean constantly reaching out to the HR department for status updates once you’ve applied or interviewed. I know how frustrating it can be to wait and wait and wait and wait when you’re anxious to hear what’s going on. Pace your floor if you have to, but don’t reach out to HR unless it’s been more than a week of radio silence. For starters, HR might be in a holding pattern while the hiring manager sees all of the candidates or is simply too busy to wrap up the process. Whatever the reason, haunting HR once a day is not going to endear you to the people you’re hoping will hire you.If any of these sound familiar, you shouldn’t feel badly. We’re all guilty of these things at one time or another. Just know that they can slow down your job search and even hurt your chances for getting into the right position. So be patient, be realistic, and be sure that your efforts will pay off in the long run.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Ethical Problems in Subprime Mortgage Crisis Essay
Ethical Problems in Subprime Mortgage Crisis - Essay Example The lack of transparency and accountability had distorted the decision-making process for granting the loans, weakened the banking and finance system and allied industries and eroded public confidernce in the subprime lending sector. First, the international credit rating agencies gave investment-grade ratings to the securitization transactions holding the subprime mortgages. This consistent high ratings misled the corporate and individual investors and large banks to invest heavily in subprime stocks since the ratings did not reflect the high default rates and foreclosures which were beginning to show in this sector. This is highly unethical since many international banks were duped into investing in housing stocks which did not reflect real market values or in some cases were actually worthless. Second, the mortgage brokers failed to be transparent enough to determine if the prospective borrowers really had the capacity to pay the debt. They were more concerned about earning their financial commissions from the sales of homes. This is unethical since they were giving a resource (asset) to persons who cannot afford it. There is a need to link their compensation to the financial performance of their respective loan accounts. Third, the mortgage lenders
Friday, October 18, 2019
Brain Imaging Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Brain Imaging Technologies - Essay Example The variety of energies and specialties like radiology, medical physics, nuclear pharmacy, etc has led to hospitals and university research centers being called diagnostic imaging or radiology or the science of radiology. No name yet worked out is wholly satisfactory in the countenance of the vivid changes which have occurred, mainly in the last three or four decades. (Kuhn, 2004) The power of contemporary computers to allow the speedy display of sectional images of the body by means of technologies such as ultrasound, computed tomography scan, single-photon emission topography, positron emission topography or magnetic resonance imaging has been cardinal to the upbringing of the latest technologies. Nevertheless, an equally great change has been that encompassing the move of medical imaging from the laboratory to the living room. Many Decades ago what was then radiological science poked a restricted series of diagnostic information to a referring medical doctor apprehensive to resolve diagnostic ambiguity between the diseases potentially able to report for a patient's indicators. In the beginning of the this century, imaging technology is used not only to spot the abrasion, and to do so more effectively, but to direct the needle used in its biopsy; not only to recognize a blocked vessel but to guide its dilatation as well. FMRI AND PET Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging is based on the boost in blood flow to the local vasculature that comes along neural activity in the brain. This result in a consequent local drop in deoxyhemoglobin because the augmentation in blood flow occurs without an amplification of similar magnitude in oxygen extraction. Thus, deoxyhemoglobin is every now and then is known as a contrast enhancing agent, and serves as the source of the signal for fMRI. Functional activity of the brain obtained from the magnetic resonance pointer has verified known anatomically dissimilar processing regions in the visual cortex, the motor cortex, and Broca's area of speech and language-related activities. Further, speedily rising bodies of research document communicate to findings between fMRI and usual electro-physiological methods to localize explicit functions of the human brain (Romanelli, 2004). Consequently, the number of medical and research centers with fMRI capabilities and investigational programs continues to shoot up. The major returns to fMRI as a technique to image brain activity related to a particular objective or sensory process says the the signal does not need doses of radioactive isotopes, the total scan time needed can be very less, i.e., on the order of 1.5 to 2.0 minutes per run (depending on the paradigm), and the in-plane resolution of the functional image is generally about 1.5 x 1.5 mm although resolutions less than 1 mm are likely. To put these pros in standpoint, functional images obtained by the earlier method of positron emission tomography, require doses of radioactive isotopes, multiple acquisitions, and therefore, longer imaging times. Additionally, the anticipated resolution of positron emission tomography images is much larger than the common functional magnetic resonance imaging pixel size. In addition, positron emission tomography usually requires that numerous individual brain images are joined in order to obtain a dependable
How does low income level relates to child abuse Term Paper
How does low income level relates to child abuse - Term Paper Example The main concern of a poor class is to survive and combat with poverty. The poverty problem is a dilemma which gives rise to child sexual abuse since the families are not concerned about child protection. The way children are maltreated, misuse, and neglect have many times escorted them to the vulnerability of child abuse. However in the United States, child abuse is not a new issue, since children have been the subject of various types of abuse for decades, therefore concern for abused children now demands action from private citizens as well as the government. Despite the existence and active participation of child welfare programs, child abuse is a common problem confronted by the United States. One reason for the widespread of this quandary is the fact that economic resources and political structure varies according to the social determinants for people who live in urban and rural regions (Kenney et al, 2001, p. xv). Child abuse some decades ago was seen as a problem of physical battering and the deliberate intention to harm the child, mainly by parents. It was in the 1970s that the meaning of the term child abuse expanded to include not only physical harm of the child, but also sexual or emotional maltreatment by parents or caretakers since abuse does not have to be deliberate infliction, but can also take the form of omission to act resulting in neglect of the childs needs. The main concern pertains to what our communities consider as child abuse, for example in many community cases in the professional consensus in the United States it was a concern as to what constitutes abuse or neglect of a child. When analyzed on the basis of community research it was found that all agreed to consider a child with fractured bones from repeated beatings as abused, while a child who is not given the minimum amount of food, clothing, or attention necessary for survival or a young child left unfed in a room as
The City To Surf Fun Run Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
The City To Surf Fun Run - Case Study Example The race is conducted in four categories which are Marathon, Half Marathon, 12km Run and 4km Run while each category has two sub-categories for male and female (City 2 Surf b). The event calls for a large number of runners around 60,000 runners from around the world to participate in the run in different groups to promote fast runners. On its 40th anniversary in August 2010 almost 80,000 people joined race making it largest run of its kind (The Sun Herald, 2012). A number of participants have been growing since then and last year 85000 people joined (Richardson, 2012). A similar event is also conducted in Perth state of Australia initiated by ACTIV foundation with the road course of 4km, 12 km and 42 km first initiated in the year 1975. This event is the largest in state and second largest in the nation (City 2 Surf c). This report will conduct the analysis of the event in reference to the project management factors in project management domain. Project Management, first coined in 1950’s has largely grown its domain in years. From the beginning of the topic, it was only confined with planning, budgeting and controlling areas of the given project (Bredillet, 2005) whereas now it has grown to link projects with corporate strategies to enhance corporate competitiveness (Richardson, 2012). For understanding nature of projects, it requires understanding the two fundamental modes in which firm operates; an operational mode and project management mode. In former existing competencies are exploited to increase firms’ competitiveness whereas latter is aimed at researching new opportunities, new competitive advantage by using resources and money (Alojairi and Safayeni, 2009). Difference between both is given in the image below:
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Everyday life challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Everyday life challenges - Essay Example These challenges are usually defined by the surrounding environment. Some of the common challenges I face are correlated with my emotions, family issues, work environment, economic issues, religious issues and the physical environment (Dean 44). For example, family issues such as sibling rivalry and hatred within the family interferes with the family relationships. This can also affect other members of the family especially when the siblings are not minors. Most of the time is usually spent on trying to resolve such duels. My personal emotions also affect my general outlook. This is normally depicted on a daily basis. In conclusion, I have become a victim of drug abuse and violence based on the numerous challenges, which I face as an individual. On several occasions, I have learnt that harboring an optimistic attitude is the best technique to ensure that I can cope with my everyday challenges (Dean 34). Also, engaging in leisure ensures that I am able to relax after work. Some of the leisure activities I engage in include playing games, swimming and reading magazines. These leisure activities enhance relaxation hence; avoiding daily
The value of CREATIVITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The value of CREATIVITY - Essay Example On the same token, creativity is the need for being fresh, novel and absolutely unique so that the complex stimulation comes about of age in the most apt manner. This paper will explore the basis of creativity and how it has been able to change beliefs, shape ideas and transform different understandings into the molds and lives of the people at large. Creativity is a much desired proposition, more so on the part of the people who believe in its magic. Creativity is all about communicating ideas, values, beliefs and opinions, though in differential settings, ways and means. Creativity is indeed the magic that binds people in wholly different mannerisms and it asks of them to appreciate the creative talent that a person has demonstrated for that matter. Therefore it is a very important element of bringing sanity within the ranks of different work avenues. Within the fields of culture and business, creativity has its most say. This is because these two areas depict the need for having creativity and thus manifest the exact basis of success in the most apt manner possible. It also goes to show that creativity will rule the roost of the cultural and business quarters if the desire is there to succeed. Within the cultural contexts, creativity comes of age when the people are relying a great deal on the people to people interactions (Cr opley 2006). It means that their associations, linkages and relationships are being justified in such a manner that success will eventually shape up in the most appropriate way. It would not be wrong to state here that creativity under the aegis of culture would manifest success, harmony and development for all the right reasons. It would also dictate the basis of finding out the exact details which will embody cultural bonding amongst the people, making them realize as to how they can effectively counter the movements
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Everyday life challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Everyday life challenges - Essay Example These challenges are usually defined by the surrounding environment. Some of the common challenges I face are correlated with my emotions, family issues, work environment, economic issues, religious issues and the physical environment (Dean 44). For example, family issues such as sibling rivalry and hatred within the family interferes with the family relationships. This can also affect other members of the family especially when the siblings are not minors. Most of the time is usually spent on trying to resolve such duels. My personal emotions also affect my general outlook. This is normally depicted on a daily basis. In conclusion, I have become a victim of drug abuse and violence based on the numerous challenges, which I face as an individual. On several occasions, I have learnt that harboring an optimistic attitude is the best technique to ensure that I can cope with my everyday challenges (Dean 34). Also, engaging in leisure ensures that I am able to relax after work. Some of the leisure activities I engage in include playing games, swimming and reading magazines. These leisure activities enhance relaxation hence; avoiding daily
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
House Arrest Essay Example for Free
House Arrest Essay There are several forms of house arrest; one I am more familiar with would be with an ankle monitor this is used usually with a low level offender. When released the inmate is fitted with the global positing system and this devise will alert the police if and when this individual violates his or her house arrest conditions. Global Positioning System (GPS) technology was officially introduced as an electronic monitoring option within the Department of Corrections in January 2007. Its current primary target population is specific paroled sex offenders. This device records offender movement throughout the community and reports those movements to a host computer. Department of Corrections staff is able to review maps and track the movement of the parolee throughout the day (Chisholm, 2001-2012). So we have one which can monitor if an offender leaves his or her home which they are ordered by a judge to stay within their boundaries, and then we have another similar devise to which the offender is fitted with but is able to move around the community and live among his or her peers. In addition we also can offer a prisoner if they have at least completed 3 to 6 months of their sentence. Studies show this seems to work if it is done when they are new in the system and before they learn how to survive on the inside or even get involved with the wrong groups. This is also compared to split sentence, these concepts are different but sometimes used interchangeably. But as with all probation shock probation is used as a privilege as some think it’s a right that they deserve it, but they do not it is something that is earned and many of those who do get it abuse it and end up back in jail sometimes again and again never learning a lesson and they keep re offending. In some cases it works for the better and they get out and really make a change for the better. Some of which may believe that if they went easy or just receive a slap on the wrist the first time they will just do it again. But again before these options were even are offered the defense team must meet with the judge to discuss and provide how the terms of the probation will be set along with the length and any other details. Shock probation is usually considered when a prisoner is a first time offender and a judge believes, given the circumstances of the case, that the prisoner has a chance at reform which may be enhanced by being released. This term is sometimes used interchangeably with â€Å"split sentence,†but the two concepts are different. In a split sentence, at the time of the initial sentencing hearing the judge declares that the convicted person will be sent to prison and then released on probation after a certain amount of time (Delich, 2003-2012). These are just a few forms of probation and studies show them to be very effective if carried out in an appropriate manor and having the proper supervision to help the inmate succeeded. References 1. (Chisholm, 2001-2012) 2. (Delich, 2003-2012)
Monday, October 14, 2019
Economic Impacts of transnational corporations on industrialised countries
Economic Impacts of transnational corporations on industrialised countries Identify and comment on the economic and environmental impacts of transnational corporations on newly industrialized countries you have studied. Introduction The object of this report is to assess the economic environmental impacts of the transnational corporations (TNC) on the newly industrialized countries (NICs) such as India, China, Thailand, Mexico, Philippine, Malaysia, Turkey, South Africa and Brazil Since the mid of 1980s, the economic strategies of NICs include Singapore, Malayasia Thailand have shown a amazing degree of meeting in one impact-driven growth strategies. They rely essential on transnational corporations (TNCs). While achieving this type of strategic economic growth the newly industrialized countries have been dun economical environmental both positive and negative impacts from the transnational corporations. Under below arias the report describes how TNCs impact to the NICs. The mainly focused arias are Investment, Technology, Transport, Employment, Urbanization, Environment-Safety, Furthermore the report assess TNSc overall impact to the Environment as well as to the economy of NICs. What are TNCs? Trans National Corporations (TNCs) are companies which operate in at least 2 countries. Its organization is very hierarchical with the headquarters as well as research development often located in the mother country. Production centers tend to be host countries. When organization becomes more worldwide regional headquarters and regional research development will widen in the manufacturing countries. This gives TNCs many advantages, such as right of entry to the global market, cheap labor, low production costs, consequently greater profits. The headquarters of these remains in its mother country, most of the time lots of them are developed nations in the world, like USA UK. Their established factories allover the world, which either produces entire finished Goods or parts, for the company to sell on the global market. Among all the TNCs in the world, Most of them are oil companies such as Exxon (Esso) BP, car manufacturing companies (for instance Toyota, Ford, Nissan and Volkswagen). Other familiar companies like IBM, Sony Coca-Cola are also can defined as being TNCs. Trance National Corporations are established globally for their advantages, to earn more profits. They bring with them both positive and negative impacts for the country which host to TNCs. Top 10 TNCs in 2009 TNCs manufacturing high-tech Scientific instructions, pharmaceuticals microelectronics, (Mitsubishi, Smithkleine, Glaxo- Sony) Large volume of consumer goods Tyres, Motor vehicles, televisions other electronic products (Toyota, Daimler, Ford, Volkswagen, General Motors) 3) Mass produced consumer goods cigarettes, beverages, breakfast cereals, cosmetics branded goods (Mars, Uniliever, Nestle, Kraft foods) 4) Service Banking/ insurance, hotel chains, freight transport, advertising, fast food outlets (IN group, AXA, Citigroup, HSBC, Allianz, Dexia) TNCs organize manage economic activities in different regions develop trade inside between units of the similar corporation in different regions. It means most of the time control the terms of the trade can diminish the effect of quota boundaries on the movement of products, go around trade tariffs. What are NICs? Country that has within recent decades experienced a get through into rapid productivity growth, rapid export oriented economic growth, quick industrialization farther a high amount of investment and assets formation largely funded from local savings, and a high tendency to export, with end user durables and machinery accounting for a large share of exports. Superior examples are South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore. These countries invest capital and production facilities in other developing countries like China, Vietnam, India, and some countries in South East Asia. Within 20th century lots of East Asia countries were industrialized such as South Koria, Taiwan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Japan. These states are called as NICs (Newly Industrialized Countries). Further sometimes they are called as Tiger Economies because of the attractive growth rate of these regions. The governments of NICs controlled over industrial development motivated industries to export manufactured products to abrade such as more developed states. The exports profits were re-invested in the local economy. Local businesses did grow; wages rose workers did spend their new assets to buy domestic goods and services thus motivating further growth. This type of rotation, knock-on effect, in that money paid out from businesses is invested again inside the country, is often called the multiplier effect. NICs have been being succeeded for the last 30 years. That successfulness of these economies has contributed to the turn down of manufacturing industries in MEDCs like UK. Industries struggled to compete with the NICs competition, because their production cost and wages were very low. Characteristics of NICs Countries whorled market exporter share is increasing, they often copying existing products then reproducing for a much low price. Continues growth in the production sector that results for more exports continues increasing of GDP. Generally NICs Can be developed by three stagers, thats traditional society to a developed country society. Three stagers are explained below. The time frame of whole process can be minimum 30 years. Traditional society: There are more labors work under the industry, its labor oriented. Concentrating on small cottage-style traditional industries, concentrated on local raw materials. Instance could include food processing, textile manufacture Most of the time, lots of people are still work in the primary sector, doing things include farming. Using primary technologies most of the people have less money. Import the products what they want, that indicate county is not producing what they actually needed addicted to import products. Import substitution industries: The country does promote its own industries. Newly started companies imitate products from well known market giants and then produce them for low price. The government operates tariff barrios for the products are being imported trades that make similar products. The purpose of that is protecting their own domestic companies whilst they grow. Instance industries are computer manufacture, car manufacture, electronic goods and other electrical goods, like hi-fis. Export orientated industries: The new companies set up in their state they are allowed to run free upon the global market. Industries are being capital intensive, using high technology aimed at earning a big profit. The gross domestic product (GDP) of the country starts to increase, mostly growing at above 5% per One year that is a wonderful rate. Now the country has been being an NIC. How do TNCs affect to the NICs economy their environment? Investment: Advantages: The companies earn, invest, bring foreign currency into the country. Though most of their earnings come back to the companys country of host, all the remunerations do come to the local economy Disadvantages: The salaries paid to host country workers are very low and a lot of companies have been accused of exploiting the workforce before benefiting that. There are frequently tax incentives for such TNCs to establish in countries in the developing world. Due to the fact that they get lots of their profits out of the country that says the real economic benefit to the country could be limited. Technology: Advantages: TNCs help the development of the NICs by bringing in latest technology and new knowledge that the host country doesnt use. Disadvantages: If not the company does actively participate in the program to educate domestic companies in the latest technologies, the countrys industry wont actually benefit. TNCs are not going to share too much information. If the local industry competition will increase because of new knowledge TNCs have to compete even with the local companies. Transport: Advantages: The new TNCs mostly help to develop transport links around the company area. Disadvantages: Mostly serve only the direct roads, rails that needs of the company, not the surrounding area as well. Employment: Advantages: They do create job opportunities for the NICs domestic employees. Disadvantages: Most of the jobs opportunities are highly skilled so the company uses their own people to do the work Because of the technological environment of these companies. Remain less jobs opportunities. Urbanization: -launching a TNC in a city in NIC does encourage urbanization. Young migrant workers gather to the city. It influence to the rural communities their development Environment-Safety: Advantages: TNSc bring with them some environmental friendly technologies expertise to decrees harmful pollution establish a safe working environment. Disadvantages: a lot of TNCs have very bad history on environmental pollution workers safety. They have been complained of trying to cut both safety of working environment and environmental pollution in order to keep costs down. . Advantages to TNCs They have the capability to take benefits of spatial differences in factors of manufacture line. TNCs can utilize differences in the accessibility of labor, capital, and building or land costs. e.g. In 2002 Dyson did move its manufacture plant in Malmesbury, Wiltshire to Malayasia to take benefit of cheap labor. Dyson retained several hundred jobs of employees in Wiltshire for research and development (RD) saving of 30% of cost in production. They can position to take benefit of government policy barriers include, subsidies, lower taxes grants and less strict government lows on employment and environmental pollution. Overall impact to the Economic growth Development of NICs can be potentially promoted by transnational corporations through their activities that generate economic growth. Some evidence exists that the foreign exchange and foreign direct investment that TNCs provide can improve the performance of the economy of the NICs which they operate in. The process of economic growth is impacted by the TNCs influencing the transfer of soft hard technology, quality amount of capital formation, growth of trade opportunities the imprudent of labor. Further, Such as Taiwan, Province of China South Korea demonstrates that under some situations economic development can promote social development. For instance in Taiwan, enormous growth of economy has been combined with developed educational levels, the longer life spans, got good health conditions, advanced political liberalization, housing environment, superior civil liberties. Theoretically TNCs can uplift the development of the NICs society by fostering economic growth; practically this relationship exists for two reasons. Mainly, in the host countries it is not clear whether transnational corporations are really responsible for the growth of economy. In the most recent two notable cases related to economic transformation, Taiwan and South Korea, a negligible role was played by transnational corporations. Further, TNCs actually have the ability to prevent NICs local economic growth by running local entrepreneurs out of the business zone, along with the importing of main goods and services, reducing large amounts of the profits from their local NICs, and transferring royalties and fees to the main companies which are located away from the host economy. Secondly, even if the economy of the NIC is not developing, there is a tenuous relationship between social development and economic growth. Even though there is an global economic growth annually, it is yet hard to prevent the problems of poverty, unemployment, inequality in wealth, and such other issues of social malaise. For example In Cote dIvoire, from 1960 to 1975 the TNCs could have helped to foster aggregate the growth of the economy, they did only a very little to uplift the development of the society: increase in unemployment, income distribution expanded and nationals increasingly started losing the control over the industrial capacities of the country. In some, under some circumstances TNCs can act as the engines of growth of economy, the power of economy is very rarely harnessed to the achievement of development. Overall impact to the Environment Transnational corporations can have a negative impact through a demotion of resources in the environment to the social development. And over the past ten years such entities had been responsible for environmental disasters. For an example, Union Carbide in Bhopal, India, Exxons Valdez spill off Alaska, and Texaco To a group of environmental problems TNCs have been linked. Fifty percent of the green house emissions are generated by them, in which they are responsible for global warming. Furthermore they are also the users of ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and they are also producers of CFCs. Explaining further, transnational corporations are responsible for the pollution of land, air, wetlands, water and the oceans. Ultimately, through their mining activities and commercial logging, there is a contribution to deforestation by the TNC. For example in the mid-1980s, there was a control of 90per cent of the logging by the foreign corporations in Gabon and in Congo it was 77 per cent. As a result of such mining and logging negative effects such as flooding, loss of topsoil rapid run-off of rain have occurred; Farmers are economically not in a rich status to buy the land from forest owners and usually TNCs dont internalize such social costs. Hence such negative externalities cannot be p revented. The connection between TNCs the environment is massively complex even though transnational corporations can definitely obstruct social development through their environmental practices .But yet the Critics dont mention that consumption of environmental resources should be abstained by transnational corporations, instead they should promote sustainable growth and development via their activities. In the meantime there is a practice by the TNCs to follow demoted environmental standards in the developing countries with comparison to the developed countries; and it is found with evidence that environmental practices are very responsible in developing regions than in domestic firms functioning in such countries. Nevertheless, critics emphasize that, as a result of having better resources they have better access to RD, It is the liability of the TNCs to promote environmentally sustainable practices and they bare that responsibility. Some companies undergoing so much of pressure have start ed to follow more environmentally responsible policies. Example, a maligned polluter named Dow Chemical, had to establish one-and-a-half days each session with the environmentalists brief senior management quarterly. The salary of the manager was pegged to the goals of the environment, and a toxic release of 32 per cent between 1988 and 1991. Further some laudable environmental practices were also implemented by the IBM including rewards for the employees for technical innovations which helped to comply with the environmental standards. Finally 18 environmental awards were won by ATT since 1990. On the other hand, expect these three companies majority pillage to consume environmental resources from the countries that are developing and they consume these environmental resources in a destructive and unsuitable manner. practices that definitely hamper prospects for development. Some of the companies that involves in issues related to the environment are General Electric and DuPont, for example, Dupont was responsible for toxic chemical releases in 254 million pounds during the period of 1991 in the United States, and this has led to minimize such practices that destroys environment. e.g. Conclusion The report offers a basic understanding of the economic environmental impacts of the transnational corporations (TNC) on the newly industrialized countries (NICs) such as India, China, Thailand, Mexico, Philippine, Malaysia, Turkey, South Africa and Brazil. It presents and showing that state to some famous beliefs, TNCs investments helped the host stats in industrialization of the host states were given credits. An in detailed analysis is given on the variety of critical factors that TNCs concentrate on the investment decisions. Such as Investment, Technology, Transport, Employment, Urbanization, Environment-Safety and so forth. The report will be a useful source to be aware of how sustainable economic growth will achieve by reducing environmental pollutions saving environmental resources for potential needs. Further the NICs must reach their targets by focusing their concentrations towards TNCs their habits. Otherwise NICs will not be able go for their future goals through TNCs operations. NICs must be the strongest partner NICs need to be influence the TNCs by using their power. Then finally both NICs and TNCs can reach the goals together.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Dating and Relationships - Long-distance Relationships Work Essay
Long-distance Relationships Work    Do long-distance relationships work? That has been the question I have been asking myself since I left for college this past fall. It's one thing to leave behind your friends and family when you go away to school. However, what happens when you leave behind your high-school sweetheart? Is there any hope your relationship could last? Doesn't everyone eventually grow apart? What about the loneliness that you will feel while being away? Won't one eventually cheat or lose interest in the other? It's inevitable, or is it?     "Long Distance Relationships have never been easy, especially for the young at heart," says Dr. Charles Madinson, a psychologist from the University of Virginia. He did his study on college students from state colleges in the eastern coast. He asked one hundred and fifty students at random from each school what their opinion on long distance relationships was and why. This study proved that 98% of college relationships do not last. He states that there are certain stresses on long distance relationships that regular relationships do not have. He says, for eighteen and nineteen year olds, it's not worth putting ourselves through all this trouble. We have the rest of our lives for a serious relationship. I find all this information hard to believe because of my own personal feelings.     I am currently in a Long Distance Relationship and what bothers me most is that practically every article that I have read or adult I have spoken to has a negative point of view. They are offering no hope, not even a chance. My high school guidance counselor, Mr. Schuart said, "Honey what's the point in trying? It's not going to work. There have been ... ...t you really have to want this relationship work. Do not listen to what others tell you; they're not in your relationship. Listen to your heart. It won't steer you wrong.  Bibliography Stephen Blake and Kimberli Bryan, Still Loving Your Long-Distance Relationship. 1998 by Anton Publishing Inc; New York, New York. Dr. Charles Madinson (1997) Coping with Moral Commitment to Long Distance Dating Relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73 (1) 104,113. Mr. Bob Schuart, high school guidance counselor. Interview at West Mifflin Area High School, on November 20, 1999 at 2:30pm. Dr. Bill Wyatt a professor of psychiatry. Long Distance Relationships,http://www.umr.edu./~counsel/long.htm bell hooks,Learning Dynamics, "Keeping close to home; class and education." 1998 by Houghton Mifflin Company.    Â
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Debate Regarding the Freedmans Bureau Essay -- African American B
The Debate Regarding the Freedman's Bureau Historians and political theorists have delineated the concept of equality into two categories: the competitive individualist notion of equality of process and the egalitarian ideal of equality of results. The former is concerned with providing a level playing field for all, while the latter focuses on a just distribution resulting from the process. Richard Ellis, in his book American Political Cultures, challenges the Hartzian thesis that historically Americans favored equality of process over equality of results, making them competitive individualists. Ellis argues that â€Å"what is exceptional about America is not that it lacked a results-oriented vision of equality but that those who favored equalizing results believed that equal process was a sufficient condition for realizing equal results†(Ellis 1993: 44). In other words, the egalitarian spirit was not absent from American history, but Americans believed that justice would best be served through competition. Ellis is correct in making this fine distinction, yet it is important to note that historical evidence suggests that some factions clearly emphasized equality of results regardless of equality of process. In The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois’ recounting of the political debate regarding the Freedman’s Bureau, clearly highlights this ideological difference. Du Bois poignantly captures the necessity for a legal equalizing measure in his description of the tragedy of slavery and the ragged, conflicted nature of the black consciousness that resulted. He writes, â€Å"the facing of so vast a prejudice could not but bring the inevitable self-questioning, self-disparagement, and lowering of ideals which ever accompany repressio... ...ows, that given dire circumstances, Americans indeed turn to measures to ensure equality of results rather than relying on equality of processes. Of course, suffrage left much to be desired for African American equality. Jim Crow laws and other forms of racism continued to plague American society for many decades to follow. Nonetheless, the legacy of the Bureau remains an important part of American political history. It may require extreme instances of human misery, tragedy, and utter inequality (such as the institution of slavery) to highlight a push for equality of results regardless of the processes. This egalitarian ideology clearly is evident in post-Civil War American legislation. Works Cited: Du Bois, W.E.B. 1997. The Souls of Black Folk. Boston: Bedford Books. Ellis, Richard. 1993. American Political Cultures, New York: Oxford University Press.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Problems We Face in Our Daily Lives
E & B Hassan Anjum Problem 1 Inconvenience of getting ready in the morning Background: This is a problem that every person faces, be it a kid getting ready for school or an adult going to office. Why do people complain about it? Obviously the reason is pretty simple. It is time consuming. People want a solution that helps them to cut this time. Solutions tried (TIPS): There isn’t any such specific product which helps people to tackle this problem. But we do have some tips regarding this situation on the internet http://www. wikihow. com/Get-Ready-in-the-Morning ttp://parentables. howstuffworks. com/family-matters/3-free-get-ready-school-printables-make-your-mornings-easier. html (This isn’t relevant to the topic but is an interesting idea for kids to learn getting ready themselves in the morning. ) http://www. wikihow. com/Get-Ready-for-School-%28for-Girls%29 Possible solution (Product) : It is a wild idea but I really fancy the idea of some iron man machine look alike which has all the tools and equipment ( Eg Robotics controlling hairbrush , tooth brush etc) for getting ready in the morning.Morever, we have an input device ( probably an augmented reality screen which helps us to decide what clothes to wear). And all these processes involved in getting ready are controlled by robotics. All we have to do is choose what clothes to wear and enter the machine. All the functions are performed simultaneously. Morever this machine would have the capabilities to give one a bath. So the 2nd problem of bathing could be integrated as well. Just a wild idea . I know it sounds a bit complicated but still a possibility.Problem 2 Sound Pollution Background: Sound or noise pollution is another common problem that one faces in his daily life. It can be caused in many forms. Be it some construction work going on in the community, the roaring of vehicle engines in the morning, highway noise or probably some late night party going on in the neighbourhood. Noise poll ution has become a serious concern due to its adverse effects. Solutions that already exist: http://www. youtube. com/watch? =-jevPIJmABA&feature=related This vid shows us the different materials to sound proof a room. Pretty common thing And as Janet and Josh have mentioned already http://www. audimutesoundproofing. com/ Something portable but too big to carry around. Possible solutions : Sound proof remote (Press a button and it sound proofs the room) P. S , Yes this idea has been discussed and mentioned before. Other solutions such as sound proof walls, ear muffs are too mainstream. And SORRY for the delay !!
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Discussion: Risk Mitigation Control Essay
When it comes to risk management, risk mitigating controls are the key to reducing threats to the network infrastructure. These mitigating controls can be found within standards, such as ISO/IEC 27001, and suggest measures to take in order to reduce risk to an organization’s assets. It is important to understand what each of these controls are in regards to risk management as well as the types of assessments used in determining the proper methods in protecting the infrastructure of any network. An asset is any tangible or intangible economic resource that can be owned or used to produce value. These range from hardware and software to personnel assets. Threats may be man-made, accidental or an act of nature, which can cause potential harm to the network. Mitigating controls are put in place to significantly reduce either the chance or penalties of a threat. Types of controls, that an admin can implement, are login identifiers, system and data audits, firewalls, encryption, and session timeouts. All of these controls help to prevent, defect, and correct the network from potential threats. Identifiers are simply authentication methods used to gain access to a network. Audits need to be completed to investigate the activities of personnel as well as identify the status of the overall network. Firewalls must be put in place to protect the network against unwanted users and bugs. Encryption should be used to ensure all data traffic is protected from prying eyes or individuals scanning the network for information they can steal or abuse. Lastly, a policy implementing session timeouts must be enforced to hold all users liable for not properly locking their computers when walking away from it. All of these controls ensure a greater protection not only for the network, but also for the information or data passing along its highways. Thank you for coming out, God bless†¦. Goodnight.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Airdrop is the act of extracting cargo out of the back of the airplane while the airplane is flying. The loaders section consists of 30 session ready airman. In order to accomplish this mission every member of the airlift squadron must remain current on all training items. Every six months there are a number of training events that must take place for every member. Without accomplishing each event, the member becomes â€Å"not mission ready†and this, in turn effects the entire squadron.In order to keep everyone mission ready, the chief loaders, Scams Ballard, schedules weekly flying for everyone in the unit. Each member can accomplish a limited number of tasks per flight, so in order to accomplish the entire list of acquirement, a member must fly nearly once every two weeks. This unit, being an Air National Guard unit has its limitations as most members have outside full-time jobs and have limited availability. This makes scheduling difficult for Scams Ballard because it is h is job to ensure everyone is mission ready.Managers abilities (Planning, Organizing, Directing, Controlling) â€Å"Planning is the logical thinking through goals and making the decision as to what needs to be accomplished in order to reach the section's, department's or organization's objectives. Organization is a matter of appointing individuals to assignments or responsibilities that blend together to develop one purpose, to accomplish the goals. It is supervising, or leading workers to accomplish the goals of the organization. The process that guarantees plans are being implemented properly is the controlling process (Trident University, n,d). Scams Ballard is a great manager and leader. He oversees 30 members of our unit in every aspect of the workplace. He delegates certain areas to other supervisors in the unit; like medical readiness, the seasoning training program, safety, and other areas. Scams Ballard plans the schedule for our nit so that everyone remains mission ready a nd readily deployable. Deploying overseas to help other forces is the most important aspect of our job. Scams Ballard also ensures that members who have been flying for a while help out the newest members.The squadron has yearly flight evaluations that must be planned and scheduled so that our unit can ensure everyone knows how to do their job the right way. Scams Ballard and 2 other high ranking members of our unit act as flight evaluators. If during a flight they feel that a member isn't being safe or doing their job correctly, he can immediately disqualify that member from flying. If a member fails his/her evaluation they must fly with an instructor and start the process of becoming re-qualified over a long period.Scams Ballard is also in charge of assigning annual training days for each member. In the Air National Guard, each member is required to have 15 days of active duty training (part of the one weekend a month and two weeks a year slogan). He notifies everyone that they ca n schedule those annual training days and everyone submits their requested days. He is in charge of ensuring everyone shows up on time and is available to accomplish squadron tasks. Department Issues There are a few issues in the department but the biggest area of concern is keeping everyone mission ready.Performing in-flight tasks is at the discretion of the member, as they are required to submit availability sheets to Scams Ballard, so that he knows when people are available. For example, if airdrops are only performed on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the member is only available on Wednesdays, it will be difficult to keep that person up to date. There are other areas, like computer based training, that everyone in the Air Force has to accomplish, but these are additional items on top of our light requirements that Scams Ballard must keep track of.A second issue is the availability of aircraft to perform required tasks. The airplanes at the squadron are nearly 20 years Old, and are s tarting to wear down. This means more time in the maintenance shop being fixed and repaired. The more time an airplane spends in the hangar, the less time members of the unit get to fly it. Principles This work was made in order to explain the principles of economics that is handled in society or a country. People, companies, the government and society must face a common problem: managing scarce resources. Scarcity means that society has limited resources and therefore can not produce all the goods and services that people want to have (unlimited wants). To address the shortage must choose between different alternatives available (go to the stadium or a party, buy a coat or a suit) . The economy is the social science that studies the choices that individuals, genuineness, government and society made to face shortages.It is based on ten principles grouped as follows. Objectives What kind of questions about the economy? How individuals make decisions? How do the Individuals? How does the economy as a whole? ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES The principles of economics are based on ten principles grouped as follows: Group 1: Principles that govern how Individuals make decisions. Else they want. M aking decisions is choosing between two objectives. If a student studies, it is leaving a few hours of sleep. If a parent buys food, you are not buying someone else's reduce.When they decide to spend an additional weight in a well, are having a weight less to spend on other goods or services. Individuals are grouped to form companies which also face these dilemmas. Example, buy more weapons for national defense or increase public spending to improve wages or offer better education. In developing an economic policy, society is faced with the dilemma between efficiency and equity, ‘e, thinning the most of scarce resources and the equitable sharing of the benefits of these resources among its members. 2 The cost of something is what is forgone to obtain it.As individuals face tradeoffs, making decisions should compare the costs and benefits of different alternatives. While determining a benefit is relatively obvious, appears equal to the event cost. Consider for example the decis ion to study (in college or high school). The benefits of this decision can be summarized as intellectual enrichment and a better employment opportunities after graduation. Among the costs have the monetary cost of tuition, fees, food, transportation, photocopying, books and materials that will address over the years of study, but in addition we must consider the use of time devoted to study.The valuation of this time corresponds to the higher salary that would have earned by working instead of studying. This is what is known as opportunity cost alternative higher value that is left to do to get something (in other words, what you give up is the cost of what we get). 3 Rational people think at the margin. Manama describes the desire for a rational person to buy a good as if it were based on the marginal surplus that person would bring an extra element. Manama points out the difference in value between water and diamonds.A marginal increase in the water supply of a person rarely invo lves a significant cost to that person. On the Usually the decisions that individuals make are not only two aspects, there is a range of possibilities. So a student does not choose between studying for a contest O hours or 24 hours a day, choose an intermediate time. These small additional adjustments to a plan of action are known as marginal changes. Individuals and companies can make better decisions thinking at the margin. A decision is rational only if the marginal benefit involved is greater than the marginal cost.Suppose that an airline must decide how much to charge passengers for a flight between Santiago and Miami. Suppose the round trip on a plane with a capacity of 200 seats is $ 900,000. In this case, the average cost per seat is $ 4,500. One might be tempted in this case to conclude that the airline should not sell tickets at prices below $ 4. 500. Sin But the airline can increase profits marginally thinking. Suppose the flight is about to leave with 20 empty seats, and suppose there is a passenger waiting to take the plane and is willing to pay $ 3,000 for it.Should the airline sell you a ticket? Of course you do. If the plane has empty seats, the cost of adding a passenger is negligible: although the average cost is $ 4,500, the marginal cost is simply the food that the extra passenger will consume. So, while the passenger was willing to pay more than the marginal cost, selling a ticket is profitable. 4 People respond to incentives. Individuals decide comparing costs and benefits, but their behavior may change if the costs and benefits change.Example, if you raise the price of a kilo of apples this becomes an incentive to buy pears. If the government maintains the fuel tax is an incentive to increase purchases of cheap cars. Group 2: Principles relating to the way in which individuals interact. Trade can improve the welfare of each individual. This is because there specialization. A family may decide to move in the field and build your home, gro w food, raise cattle, produce wool and leather to make clothing, etc. But not everyone has the skills to perform all those tasks which makes the action is inefficient.That's why there is trade (between individuals, businesses, countries) where each actor specializes in what it does best and this eventually leads to there being a greater quantity and variety of goods and services at lower cost as their production is efficient (so there Fats) 6. Arrests are a good way to organize economic activity. Currently the market economy has shifted to centralized economies, IEEE those in which the central government planning models determined what occurred, who did it, how much and who consumed him.The market economy involves the decisions of millions of individuals and businesses. People decide what to buy with their incomes and firms decide what to produce. These individuals and firms interacting in markets for goods and services where prices and self-interest guide their decisions. As stated in the above principle, the markets are good regulators of economic activity, over at times the state should intervene to promote efficiency and equity. This happens when â€Å"market failures†which are situations in which the market alone does not efficiently allocate resources are presented.Externalities and market power are two examples of market failures. Externalities are consequences that the action of an individual or company has on the welfare of another individual or company. Example is pollution; a company in the production process pollutes not try to decrease unless the State applies fines for polluting. Market power, meanwhile, is defined as the ability of an agent or a small group of them to significantly influence market prices. This is the case of monopolies, oligopolies, monopoly (ANSI, Arafat) and oligopolies (supermarkets who buy vegetables to farmers).Group 3: principles of how the economy works as a whole. 8 The standard of living of a country depends on its ability to produce goods and services. Productivity levels, IEEE, the amount of goods and services produced for each hour of work are key determinant of living standards of the countries. Thus, a country with high productivity will have more products and its people have more clothes, more DOD, more cars, etc. , which makes your standard of living is high compared to countries with low productivity where the supply of products is lower.This leads us to note that the growth rate of productivity of a country determines the growth rate of its average income. Obviously that productivity is not the only determinant of quality of life, but the most important. Others are public policies that foster education, technology acquisition, training of employees, etc. 9 Prices rise when the government prints too much money. A government decides to increase the amount of money when it is not able to solve TTS spending to revenues (taxes, patents, etc. , the problem is that this leads to inflati on, IEEE the increase in the general level of prices in the economy . A high and prolonged inflation imposes some costs on society, so keep at a low level is a goal of those responsible for the economic policy of a government (and worldwide). 10 Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. The inflation problem could be solved if the government reduces the amount of money in the economy, but the solution is not really as simple as closely (inversely) with inflation is unemployment.This is reflected in the Phillips curve: If the overspent decides to actually decrease the amount of money in order to reduce inflation, a general fall in prices (more lengthen the short term), resulting in a drop in occurs corporate income, if this happens, companies will seek to decrease their costs financial management conclusion In conclusion this work we did with the learning or understanding of economic principles which are governed in a country that are 10 principles to con sider in a given economy, we will see a summary of each of them, to know . People face tradeoffs. To have something, we usually sacrifice something else, either time, money or other sources. 2 The Cost of Something is what you give up to get. Everything has a cost and a benefit. Our decisions will compare these costs and benefits between the alternatives. Here comes the issue of opportunity cost, which basically refers to what you give up to get something else. 3 Rational People Think at the Margin. People make decisions by comparing costs and benefits in terms of margin.This involves knowing the benefits and costs of each decision alternative. 4 The People Respond to Incentives. Marginal changes in costs or benefits motivate people to respond. Then decisions will sake an alternative when the marginal benefit is greater than marginal cost. 5 The Exchange can make everyone better. People earn for their ability to exchange something for something else. This exchange allows people can specialize in what it does best. Markets are Usually a Good Way To Organize Economic Activity. In a market economy there is a relationship between the families and businesses. On the one hand families decide what they will buy and who will work for this and on the other hand businesses decide what will be produced and who will hire for this. 7 Governments sometimes can improve economic performance. When markets fail, the government can intervene to promote efficiency and equity.
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