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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Declaration Of Independence, By Thomas Jefferson, And...
Chris Layton Mrs. Brown English 101- Honors English 12 2 October 2015 Every person has their own characterization of freedom. Depending on time, place, religion, and race, this meaning varies. Eventually it comes back to one specific point, all men, regardless of anything, created equally, and therefore have the right to be free. The â€Å"Declaration of Independence,†written by Thomas Jefferson, and Martin Luther King Jr.’s â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech both address the problem of not being free. Even though Thomas and Luther were alive 150 years apart and had very different lives, they both faced the same issue of human equality that drove them to write some of the most influential works in American history. Although they bear some superficial similarities, the difference between the Declaration of Independence and â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech are pronounced. Thomas Jefferson, and a group of other rich white men, thought it was necessary for the colonies to separate from Great Britain so they created the Dec laration of Independence. The decided to make the Declaration of Independence to overthrow the government that was in power of the colonist because it was becoming too powerful and destructive. Jefferson states, all men are created equally and all have the natural rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. In Jefferson’s thoughts, we all have such rights that are given to us by nature so these rights are called our â€Å"unalienable rights†of the people. For the protection ofShow MoreRelatedEquality And The American Dream1068 Words  | 5 Pagesagainst inequality. On July 4, 1776 Thomas Jefferson wrote the most important document in the history of our nation. The Declaration of Independence was the official document that claimed that their new name the United States of America and they would succeed from unfair British control. The Declaration of Independence was famous for demanding that everyone should have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of h appiness. Fast forward 187 years, Martin Luther King gave his monumental â€Å"I Have A Dream†Read MoreMartin Luther King s I Have A Dream Speech891 Words  | 4 PagesKindergarten, teachers have been teaching students about Martin Luther King Junior’s â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech. Ever since children have been born, they have celebrated Independence Day by either going to a parade, or shooting fireworks. Although, at these young ages, children don’t quite know the real importance of each of them. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted every human being, regardless of their race to be treated fairly or just. Independence Day was the day on July 4, 1776 where fifty-six courageousRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr s Letter Of Birmingham Jail903 Words  | 4 Pagesa unique element to the mixture of liberty across the United States. Martin Luther King Jr’s a â€Å"letter of Birmingham Jail,†and Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence both advocate the claim for freedom. Both of these historical figures make this apparent by arguing for the protest against tradition, a change across unjust laws, although they differ between the kinds of change to be enforced. Martin Luther King Junior’s a letter from a Birmingham Jail was him expressing his motivationRead Moreï » ¿An Analysis of Letter from a Birmingham Jail1204 Words  | 5 PagesLetter from Birmingham Jail was written by Martin Luther King Jr. As he states in the title, in a Birmingham, Alabama jail. Martin Luther King Jr. was jailed because he participated on a nonviolent protest of segregation in public places such as lunch counters and public restrooms. 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The Declaration of Independence explains a citizen’s role as, â€Å"Individual rights refer to the liberties of each individual to pursue life and goals without interference from other individuals or the government.†But what happens when the rights given to us are not protected as stated in the Declaration of Independence? The result is dissatisfaction in our communities which leads to people taking a stand. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham jail talks aboutRead MoreThe American Dream By Martin Luther King Jr.943 Words  | 4 Pagestreatment of African Americans was one example of how the American Dream can be taken away from a group of people, but it also shows how much the American Dream is wanted by that same group of people. â€Å"The Declaration of Independence†by Thomas Jefferson, and the â€Å"I Have a Dream†by Martin Luther King Jr., speech are just small beginnings to something as great as what America is today. When the liberation of America came from Great Britain, it came with many struggles that the settlers had to face. TheyRead MoreA Comparison of the Declaration of Independence and Kings I Have A Dream1264 Words  | 6 Pagescreated equally, and therefore have a right to be free. The Declaration of Independence, by Thomas Jefferson, and Martin Luther King, Jr.s I Have A Dream are two works addressing this concern. Although Jefferson and King led extremely different lives over 150 years apart, both faced issues of human equality that drove them to write two of the most influential works in American history.            Thomas Jefferson, an educated, well respected career man, served as governor of Read MoreIndependence Of The Independent Constitution Today Is Great For All Of Us Essay1032 Words  | 5 PagesEssay: Independence Living in the Independent Constitution today is great for all of us. Independence Day is a representation of what the United Stated now is. The government and President work for the people not the other way around. The Civil Rights movement resulted in our modern change of rights for all races. Independence usually that comes at a cost in order to truly be achieved and helpful to the people. The Constitution was made to help mankind achieve new possibilities. Read MoreMartin Luther King Jr1194 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Simmons 1 Gabrielle Simmons Mrs. Fitzgerald Social Studies 8A 4/27/10 Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a well known and an inspiring man to all cultures of the world. King was and still is one of the most influential heroes. King s views and believes helped African Americans through the 50 s and 60 s to the rights and liberties that was their right. King faced many obstacles on his journey, things like jail and even assassination attempts. Despite these obstacles,
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