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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay about Critical Book Review - 1170 Words
Critical Book Review Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction Michelle Beel Liberty University Psych 307 Summary Dr. Mark Lasser’s book â€Å"Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction†gives insight to those who suffer from sexual addiction and to the families, friends and other people in their lives. Dr. Mark Lasser has chosen to write this book, to share with others his personal struggle and victory with sexual addiction. Dr. Lasser has written this book from a Christian view, to give other individuals hope in a difficult and growing disease, which is taking control and destroying our families. Lasser defines sexual addiction as â€Å"a sickness involving any type of uncontrollable sexual activity, and because the addict cannot control his†¦show more content†¦Mark Lasser’s book â€Å"Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction†there are 4 major themes being explored, Part One: What is Sexual Addiction? Here Dr. Lasser explains what sexual addiction is, and what the three building blocks of sexual addiction are â€Å"Sexual Fantasy, Pornography, and Mas turbation†. (Lasser, 2004, pp 28)Lasser expands on the different types of sexual addiction, and give us understanding of the different characteristic of the addiction. Major theme part 2: â€Å"The Roots of Sexual Addiction†, here Lassser gives the roots of sexual addiction and explains the reasonsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Critical Book Review1166 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Critical Book Review Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction Michelle Beel Liberty University Psych 307 Summary Dr. Mark Lasser’s book â€Å"Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction†gives insight to those who suffer from sexual addiction and to the families, friends and other people in their lives. Dr. Mark Lasser has chosen to write this book, to share with others his personal struggle and victory with sexual addiction. Dr. Lasser has written this book from a Christian view, toRead MoreCritical Book Review Essay949 Words  | 4 PagesTo begin, I feel the need to state that this book was slightly hard to digest. I realize that I am meant to elaborate on whether or not I agree with Joseph Nevins thesis, but to be honest, I was rather confused as to what that thesis is. The author jumped around quite a bit, giving the reader extensive background information and lessons in history and geography, and yet, he managed to tie everything back to the main story of Julio Cesar Gallagos. I think that, perhaps, the extraneous informationRead MoreCritical Book Review of Slaughterhouse F ive2406 Words  | 10 Pagessoldier through his writing technique. Slaughterhouse Five is written circularly, and time travel is ironically the only consistency throughout the book. Vonnegut outlines the life of Billy Pilgrim, whose life and experiences are uncannily similar to those of Vonnegut. In Chapter 1, Kurt Vonnegut non-fictionally describes his intentions for writing the book. Vonnegut personally experienced the destruction of Dresden, and explains how he continuously tried to document Dresden but was unsuccessful forRead MoreFeatures Of Writing A Review At A Professional Standard2023 Words  | 9 Pages Regardless of the object being reviewed, there are a number of essential features of writing a review at a professional standard. This essay will examine each of those features with reference to two reviews of films which explore a specific theme. Firstly, however, the meaning of the term ‘professional standard’ must be established. There are standards that all professions must follow. These are to do with ethics and values. 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However the working poor, in this case the working poor in the inner-city, are people advancing to try and make their lives better. They are taking minimum wage jobs so that they can barely afford a roof over their heads. Within Katherine Newman s novel No Shame In My Game, she studies theRead MoreCritical Book Review Red China Blues Essays1586 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Stephen Mendoza, HIST 2312 Wong, Jan. Red China Blues. Toronto: Doubleday/ Anchor Books, 1996. 395 pages. $11.95 In Jan Wong’s entrancing expose Red China Blues, she details her plight to take part in a system of â€Å"harmony and perfection†(12) that was Maoist China. Wong discloses her trials and tribulations over a course of three decades that sees her searching for her roots and her transformation of ideologies that span over two distinctive forms of Communist governments. 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However the working poor, in this case the working poor in the inner-city, are people advancing to try and make their lives better. They are taking minimum wage jobs so that they can barely afford a roof over their heads.Read MoreCritical Book Review: Forgotten Fire by Adam Bagdasarian1793 Words  | 8 PagesIn his book Forgotten Fire, author Adam Bagdasarian investigates the Armenian Genocide through the eyes of a twelve year old Armenian boy named Vahan Kenderian. Through Vahan, the reader experiences the atrocities committed during the 1915 genocide of Armenians in Turkey. The Turks, who were Muslim, viewed the Christian Armenians as inferiors and treated them as such; under Turkish law, Armenians had nearly no rights, no fair justice in Turkish courts, could not bear a rms, and were taxed far higher
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