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Thursday, January 2, 2020
Persuasive Essay On Foster Care - 921 Words
Have you ever been in foster care? Foster care is very hectic. It will eventually get better once you are adopted, but if you don’t like who you are getting adopted by then it’s not ok. When I was in foster care I was staying with this one family. They were nice but they had 3 other foster kids that they were taking care of also. I was in foster care for about a half a year. It wasn’t the best feeling not being around people I love and knew. I eventually got somewhat comfortable around my foster parents but it was still not the same as being around my family. When I was in foster care there was so many people involved. Judge, social worker, foster parents, grandma, and more. Most of the time I spent in my foster home. I would go†¦show more content†¦The family came to pick me up and they acted like they were nice and they loved kids but I was like hahaha†¦.no, they took me to there house and took me up to my room that I was staying in. When I got there, there was another girl in the room and she was asleep. Her name was ashley. I remember that she was the only kid in the house that actually wanted to be my friend. I didnt go to school I was homeschooled for a little while until I got used to being away from my family then they enrolled me in school. I was in 3rd grade and it was my first year at this school I had Mr. Knew. I made it throught the year and basically my whole summer was going back and forth to court and it was the most stressful summer because I also had to make some decisions, and I didnt know if they were the right ones. It was almost a year and a half. We had got a date and time of when we were supposed to be at the courthouse. My grandma was trying to adopt me so she could get me out of foster care and in with my family. We had to go through so much things to get to the point that were at. We went through so many steps and waited forever it seemed like. It was our last visit to the courthouse and I wasnt really paying attention but the only words that I heard the judge say was â€Å"Anisa Munoz, I would like to congratulate you on your success of adoption†I was so excited and so was everyone else. We had to go back to my foster parentsShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay About Foster Care2053 Words  | 9 Pagestoday, approximately 400,000 children and youth are in foster care at any given time and each year about 20,000 of these students emancipate (i.e., age out) of foster care†(â€Å"Students in Foster Care†). There are many children in this world who are separated fr om their parents. Placed somewhere by the government. They are being placed somewhere not familiar to them or somewhere far from where they lived before. 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